Next Steps

Check Out What to expect in the coming days

Step 1: Understand Audience Review

Your Understand Your Audience Task will now be reviewed and given feedback (this normally takes 24-48hrs).

Once reviewed you will work with your coach to iron out the details in your niche & offer, until you are both happy with it and it is viable to be successful.

P.s. this is also where you will gain access to the Facebook Group

Step 2: Blueprint intro tasks

Once locked in you'll gain access to your Blueprint Socials Takeoff Tasks which cover the 1st week of your Blueprint. The goal here is to get your social media accounts aligned with your new/upgraded niche & offer so that people know what you do and how you can help them.

Your socials are your shop window to the online world, so it is important that everything is in order.

Behind the scenes your coach will be building out the rest of your Blueprint for you.

Step 3: Receive Blueprint

Once completed your Blueprint will be updated on your Blueprint Document and you will be able to see the rest of your progression for the following 5 weeks of your first Blueprint.

Through the course of the blueprint you will be required to fill out a Check-In form Weekly on a Sunday which will give you additional support & guidance to ensure you're making progress & to keep your Blueprint up to date.

Step 4: Blueprint Review Call

Within your Blueprint Tasks, you will be asked to book in a Blueprint Review Call. These are just a very quick touchpoint with your coach to ensure you know 100% what you're doing, to allow you to ask any questions, and so that you are up to date.

These can take 5 minutes, or 20 minutes, depending on how many questions you have. The key outcome from this call is clarity.

your next blueprint

At the end of your first Blueprint you will be given the details to book in your next Blueprint Review call so that we discuss any areas of focus and design your next blueprint for you.

At the end of each Blueprint moving forwards this process will be repeated to ensure you are consistently seeing progression & growth.

For students who reach 1 year on the programme you will be given our coveted ECB Hoodie which is ONLY accessible through this incredible milestone!

For students at ANY STAGE of the programme who meet criteria, you will also be invited to join our Freedom Architects inner circle - This is a place for the ECB's top coaches come to take shit to the next level! - EVEN MORE SUPPORT! - EVEN MORE GROWTH! - EVEN MORE FREEDOM!