How Social Media Works
Understanding your tools is the first step in mastering them. You absolutely must know how social media functions in able for you to create the best content possible, and gain the best reach, engagement, & ability to bring in new leads & clients.
Elite Content System: Create Your Series
Explore the Elite Content System to boost your content production across social media platforms. This approach emphasizes creating series that address the unique challenges of your audience, enabling you to produce content efficiently and maintain engagement. Whether you're aiming to double or tenfold your output, this system offers a structured way to plan, create, and schedule your content, ensuring you stay focused on your expertise while consistently connecting with your followers.
Understanding The Content Funnel
Learn to elevate your social media strategy with a content funnel approach, balancing viral 'machine gun' content to draw in viewers, 'shotgun' content to provide value and build trust, and 'sniper' content for direct calls to action. This method ensures not just a wider audience reach but engagement that translates into potential clients, crafting a path from broad attraction to targeted conversion.
Content Manager System
This Content Manager System has been how I've built and managed my content for years now. I'd highly recommend building one out as it allows you to store all of your resources, and categorise ideas. It also serves to keep you on track with content trends
Creating a Frictionless Content Creation Set-up
Sometimes its all about minimising friction. If we have barriers in the way of creating, we limit that creativity. Having a set-up that works for you and allows you to create epic content, is the make or break between consistency and inconsistency.
Content Amplifier Sheet
The content amplifier sheet lets you take 10 ideas, and make them into 30, or 50, or 100! - Knowing how to amplify your content allows you to supercharge what you create, and make posting consistent & quality content, easy!
Machine Gun: Fly The Flag Content
Fly the Flag content focuses on creating shareable, engaging posts that resonate deeply with your audience's identity or beliefs. It's about crafting content that not only reflects your audience's values but also encourages them to share it within their own networks. This strategy helps broaden your reach and attract like-minded individuals. Essentially, it leverages common experiences or sentiments to foster a sense of community and belonging, making it a powerful tool for expanding visibility and engagement in a way that feels authentic and relatable.
Machine Gun: Fly The Flag Content
Fly the Flag content focuses on creating shareable, engaging posts that resonate deeply with your audience's identity or beliefs. It's about crafting content that not only reflects your audience's values but also encourages them to share it within their own networks. This strategy helps broaden your reach and attract like-minded individuals. Essentially, it leverages common experiences or sentiments to foster a sense of community and belonging, making it a powerful tool for expanding visibility and engagement in a way that feels authentic and relatable.
Machine Gun: Fly The Flag Content
Fly the Flag content focuses on creating shareable, engaging posts that resonate deeply with your audience's identity or beliefs. It's about crafting content that not only reflects your audience's values but also encourages them to share it within their own networks. This strategy helps broaden your reach and attract like-minded individuals. Essentially, it leverages common experiences or sentiments to foster a sense of community and belonging, making it a powerful tool for expanding visibility and engagement in a way that feels authentic and relatable.
Machine Gun: Fly The Flag Content
Fly the Flag content focuses on creating shareable, engaging posts that resonate deeply with your audience's identity or beliefs. It's about crafting content that not only reflects your audience's values but also encourages them to share it within their own networks. This strategy helps broaden your reach and attract like-minded individuals. Essentially, it leverages common experiences or sentiments to foster a sense of community and belonging, making it a powerful tool for expanding visibility and engagement in a way that feels authentic and relatable.
Auto-Shotgun: 7-Second Reels
Possibly the simplest and easiest reels you can make. They require a trending audio and a clip short clip of you or somewhere you've been.
Focus on hooking attention and directing people to the caption where you provide a solution to the problem at hand.
TV Style Posts
TV Style Posts are fantastic way to create easy content from clips you already have, or those which are purpose made for the post itself. They give you a strong chance on the timeline due to their multiplier view effect, and can be a brilliant way to repurpose old posts too.
Shotgun: Reaction Reels
The perfect mix of easy to make, off the cuff content, which also gives you an air of authority and a higher chance of success with getting views & engagement. Make sure you focus on giving valuable information and back up your points with reason and further proof (screenshots & videos).
Introduction to the Content Creation Series
Welcome to the Content Editing Series where we will walk you through step by step how to edit content in a way that looks incredible and is highly visually engaging.
CapCut - The Bare Bare Bones - Using the App
In this video we walk you through the basics of CapCut and getting to grips with the editor. CapCut is currently one of the best choices you have for low skill - high quality editing. There are other fantastic choices however as you go up the ladder the skill level required gets higher and higher as you go. Equally if you had the skill level to use those tools, it's unlikely you would be watching this training.
Basic Edits - Cutting Blank Spaces, & Creating Better Pacing
Pacing in your videos is vital to retain attention and keep people engaged. In this video we cover the basics of editing your content to be snappy and well paced.
Basic Edits - Eye Catching Introductions
Hooks for your videos aren't just the words you say, but in the visuals you use. Using Visual hooks and pattern interrupts can get more people to view your content.
Basic Edits - Create Movie Quality Transitions That Don't Look Tacky
Transitions between sections of your video can make content more visually engaging as well as helping to pace and break up your video to be more easily understood. However, many people do this poorly which comes across tacky and doesn't look good. In this video we will show you how you can avoid this being the case in your own videos.
Basic Edits - B-Roll Making Your Content More Engaging
B-Roll is another fantastic way to add more visual elements into your video to help pick up the pacing and tell the story of your content and messaging. This is a fantastic way to help visualise the concepts you are talking about and help keep people engaged.
Basic Edits - Adding Engaging Captions
The stats on using captions vs not using captions are quite frankly, pretty cut and dry. Studies have shown having captions in your video makes it 80% more likely to be watched in full. Additionally 75% of people will watch videos on socials initially on mute, with 35% of viewers being inclined to turn sound on based off of the captions. In short, you NEED captions on your videos.
Basic Edits - Using KeyFrames to Create Movement
Keyframes are a really simple and useful tool to master, they help you to add movement into your videos, mask items and even create visual changes to the size and shape of things over time.
Basic Edits - Making Your Content Sound Studio Quality & Non-Robotic
Making your content sound good, is just as important as how it looks. Theres some strong research to suggest a huge determining factor in a videos watch time is the quality of the audio. If it sounds bad, people don't want to watch it. With the advent of AI this is a fantastic step you can take (if required) to level up how your content sounds.
Basic Edits - Exporting Your Content & Multiplying Your Reach
When exporting your video theres a few things to make sure you have right. You can also massively increase your reach and posting opportunities with very little effort.
Basic Edits - Final Considerations Before Posting To Instagram
Before you post there are a few things to consider when it comes to getting the best out of your video, I personally consider these part of the edit as you are still making final adjustments to how the video looks and is viewed.
Story Hacks - Boost Lead Magnet Engagement
Your story viewers are the most engaged people from your entire audience, but the way the story algorithm works is against you for the most part. Here's how you can hack your storys to SKYROCKETTTT views, and get more lead magnet enagegements.
Comment Hacking
Comment hacking is one of the simplest and easiest ways to build a cult-like following over time. It's a slow slow process but every single person you get engage should be poured into fully!
Quick Edit Tutorials: Adding Content Behind You
A really simply yet powerful effect to create is adding a layer between you and the background for text, images, footage etc. Although this is a simple edit it can ad a very professional touch to your footage.
Quick Edit Tutorials: Highlighting Focus Words In Captions
Highlighting words can help bring focus to things you're saying and emphasise points you make. Ideally to have the best effect its a case of using this technique sparingly!
Quick Edit Tutorials: Reverse Rain Emoji Effect
When you lack a bit of stock footage/B-Roll or you feel its been overused in the rest of your video, this is a great way I've come up with to add some emphasis to things you're saying without a cut away to other scenes. Equally this can work well to convey an emotion simply.
Quick Edit Tutorials: Paper Background Effect
I love this paper background effect, it's become really popular lately for a slight "scrapbook" type effect but equally helps things look nice and professional.