This might be one of the ultimate post workout meals, for those days you have a bit of a sweet tooth, but its also not going to blow the calorie bank... too much. A great one if you are running out of time in the day to get calories in and have worked out in the PM or even just one to enjoy on a normal day. Super easy to make and very quick!
Allergen AdviceOreos are available in Gluten-free and Vegan versions should these match your dietary preferences
1) To your blender add your almond milk, protein and Oreos, and blitz until fully blended.
2) Add your cereal to bowl (A good swap here if you can/want is to use Weetos chocolatey hoops, they are more volumous and take up more space in the bowl)
3) Pour your protein and Oreo milk on-top.Alternatively you could save the Oreos and break them up into little crunch bits for your cereal, also saving yourself the blender!*If you have chocolate protein you may be able to recreate the flavour of chocolate mint with MyProteins mint Flavourdrops.