Breakfast, Lunch, or a tasty snack.. Hell! Even dinner if you wanted. Waffles are great for any occasion, and easily hit your sweet tooth
Makes 4 Waffles
1) In a bowl mix whey, sweetener, Baking Soda and flour with a fork until no lumps are in the mix. Then add in the egg and whisk, and 0Kcal syrup. You may need a tiny dash of water to help loosen things up.
2) Once you have a thick pourable mixture, add in your chocolate chips (maybe save a few for the topping) to your waffle mix, stir, then add to the waffle maker and cook until crispy golden brown. You could also fry this mix if needed.
3) While waffles are cooking mix your PB2 powder with a tiny tiny amount of water. Add very small amounts until you get a thickness of your desire to drizzle or spread on your waffles. Top with an extra drizzle of 0Kcal syrup.